chelsea haebich
“I want to draw awareness to how special and unique and vibrant our Great Southern Reef system is”
Adelaide resident Chelsea Haebich first picked up a camera not long after learning to dive about ten years ago.
In the beginning it was mostly just to show friends who didn’t dive, just what there was to be seen down there, as Chelsea was amazed by it all.
“I couldn’t find the words to describe the magic of what I was experiencing. Who knew it would become such a passion.”
Reconnecting with nature
Chelsea started to take her photography more seriously around 2018 when she realised it was something she had been missing.
“I had lost touch with diving and nature. I hadn’t dived in a while and felt like something was missing and at the lowest point I instinctively grabbed my camera and booked myself for a boat dive and have never looked back.”
Protect what you love
“My motivation these days for capturing images is to share this amazing part of the world with everyone before we possibly lose it. Hopefully by sharing its beauty though means we won’t! People protect what they love."
Not “just a jetty”
Chelsea’s favourite part of the GSR is the local Jetty sites around South Australia.
“These sites give myself and so many others accessibility to this special part of the world. Each Jetty is so varied and unique."
Unique and vibrant
Looking ahead Chelsea wants to draw awareness to how special and unique and vibrant our Great Southern Reef system is.
“I hope that my images make other people come and experience it and fall in love with what we have here. If I can impact people this way through my photography then I will feel as though I have achieved something!"
A must see for divers
In November 2022 Chelsea fulfilled a long term dream of diving the deep reefs of Tasmania!
“It was exciting to explore the dramatic coastline down there and learn more about how the Southern Temperate system works.
“It’s such a powerhouse of energy and life. The colours and diversity of the Great Southern Reef are just incredible. It really must be seen with your own eyes.”
Seascapes of the Southern Ocean
Chelsea has always been a critter person and love learning about animals, kelps, algae and ecosystems of the Southern Ocean.
“It’s so dynamic and colourful and brings so much life to this planet. Consequently, with exploring my own photography and developing my skills I have loved macro for the critters and now more and more wide angle to capture the unique seascapes.”
Realising wrecks
Until recently Chelsea had always overlooked wrecks.
“They’re not critters or ‘life’ but more and more they have been inspiring me. Even though we are responsible for their presence, many have become artificial reefs as well as a glimpse into our Maritime past. They move forward now by bringing growth, shelter and life to parts of the Ocean and that is inspiring me to look at them more and their contribution to the GSR.”
Explore and protect
Chelsea’s immediate future is just about getting out there and being able to dive as much as possible .
“life is short and there is so much to see, explore and share. I get to see a part of this planet many others do not – so I am excited about exploring it more and sharing what I see to inspire others to do the same - and hopefully protect it.”
“More and more people stop me now when I am out diving with my camera, and they are genuinely curious about what I am seeing. This growing interest and awareness excites me. It’s incredible to immerse yourself in that world and it excites me more people want to be a part of it.”
Learn about more passionate photographers and artists inspired by the Great Southern Reef.