stewardship starts here

The Great Southern Reef is a national treasure, and its protection is a responsibility shared by all Australians. At the Great Southern Reef Foundation, we encourage and promote stewardship of our temperate reef ecosystems. 

There are many ways you can make a tangible difference. Whether you’re a local resident, visitor, scientist, artist, or simply someone who loves the ocean, your actions can contribute to the health and resilience of this unique marine environment. Whether by participating in citizen science projects that track reef health, supporting eco-tourism businesses that prioritise sustainability or supporting artists that are helping to inspire appreciation for the GSR, every effort counts.

The Great Southern Reef Foundation is a passionate Australian charity with a vision to inspire society to become active stewards of Australia’s kelp forests. We rely on the generous support of individuals and organisations to fuel our initiatives, power our outreach, and make a tangible difference in the future of the GSR. Together, we can build a future where the rich biodiversity of our kelp forests thrives and serves as a source of pride for all Australians.

Sustainable Seafood

One impactful way you can contribute to the preservation of the Great Southern Reef is through mindful seafood consumption. We advocate for supporting local seafood operators who practise sustainable fishing. These local businesses are often the stewards of our marine resources, and by choosing them, you're helping to sustain local economies and promote environmentally responsible fishing practices. 

A recent study in Australia showed that the quality of seafood labels is important. Seafood vaguely labelled under umbrella terms, such as flake or snapper, had higher rates of mislabelling than species-specific labels, and concealed the sale of threatened or overfished taxa, as well as products with lower nutritional quality, reduced economic value, or potential health risks.

Before making a seafood purchase, we encourage you to check the label and ask questions: Where does this fish come from? Is it a sustainable species? How was it caught? These inquiries can make a significant difference. They not only increase your awareness but also signal to suppliers and retailers that there is a growing demand for sustainably sourced seafood. One good local resource is the GoodFish guide.


Ecotourism plays an emerging role in the conservation of the Great Southern Reef, offering immersive experiences that foster a deeper connection with our marine environment. Look for tours that share the rich cultural stories of the First Nations people, which provide a unique perspective on the reef, as seen through the eyes of those who have been its custodians for thousands of years.

Whale watching tours are a spectacular way to witness the majesty of the ocean's giants in their natural habitat. Local scuba diving shops offer guided dives that reveal the hidden wonders of the Great Southern Reef. Snorkelling programs, suitable for all ages and skill levels, provide a window into the vibrant marine life of the reef.

Clean Ups

Beyond exploring and experiencing the Great Southern Reef, there is a hands-on way you can contribute to its preservation: participating in clean-up activities. By joining local clean-up efforts, you play a crucial role in not only maintaining the natural beauty of our reef but also collecting valuable data that can help inform policy and make long lasting change. 

We strongly encourage you to get involved with local community groups such as Coastcare and Tangaroa Blue cleanups. These clean-ups also provide an excellent opportunity to learn about the challenges facing our coastal ecosystems and what can be done to mitigate them. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, your involvement in these clean-up events is invaluable.

Citizen Science

At the Great Southern Reef Foundation, we firmly believe in the power of community involvement in monitoring changes on the GSR and collecting valuable data to help contribute to rigorous scientific research. Citizen science programs offer a unique opportunity for individuals to contribute directly to the understanding and conservation of the Great Southern Reef.

These programs harness the collective effort of volunteers to help provide insights that are crucial for the effective management and protection of our marine ecosystems. The Great Southern Reef Foundation endorses a variety of active citizen science programs, each with its unique focus and method of contribution.

Support Marine Sanctuaries

Marine sanctuaries are essential refuges for biodiversity which provide a baseline to understand changes in the environment and strengthen the resilience of the GSR to overfishing, habitat loss, climate change and other human-induced threats. The expansion and maintenance of sanctuaries,  can ensure the continued health and vitality of the Reef, preserving it for future generations.

Support Local Artists

The Great Southern Reef Foundation recognises the power of creativity in conveying the beauty and importance of our marine ecosystems. We encourage you to support local artists who dedicate their talents to capturing and interpreting the splendour of the Reef.

These artists, through their paintings, sculptures, photography, and multimedia works, bring the underwater world to the surface and raise awareness about the urgent need for marine conservation. By purchasing their art, attending exhibitions, or sharing their work, you contribute to a culture that values and preserves our natural heritage. This support nurtures the local artistic community and helps their creative voices continue to inspire action and appreciation for the GSR.

get educated

At the heart of effective marine conservation lies the power of education. The Great Southern Reef Foundation advocates for a well-informed community, understanding that knowledge is a key driver in protecting our marine ecosystems.

By educating yourself and others, you become an ambassador for the Reef, playing a crucial role in shaping a more informed and proactive community. If you are an educator, check out the GSR educator hub to get access to locally relevant resources and be part of our growing community of educators proudly teaching about the Great Southern Reef.

Spread the Word

Only recognised as an entity in the last decade, The Great Southern Reef is too often out of sight and out of mind. Our challenge is to make the GSR a household name across Australia and this is where you can help. The power of communication and storytelling is immense and you, as a supporter of the Great Southern Reef Foundation, are a key player in this. By sharing your experiences, knowledge, and passion for the Reef, you can ignite a wave of action.

Utilise social media platforms to share stories, photographs, and information about the Reef. Whether it's a breathtaking photo from your last dive, an insightful article, or a simple post about why the Reef matters, your online presence can significantly amplify our collective message. Remember to use the hashtag #greatsouthernreef. Engaging in conversations, both online and in your community, can transform individual interest into a widespread movement for marine conservation. 

Personal storytelling, whether through blogs, vlogs, or casual conversations, can be a powerful tool in conveying the urgency and importance of protecting the Great Southern Reef. Each person you reach becomes a potential advocate for our oceans, contributing to a growing community of informed and passionate individuals. Together, through our collective voices and actions, we can ensure the preservation of this incredible marine ecosystem for generations to come.

Explore the GSR