Gergo Rugli
“I endeavour to capture the beauty and wonders of our world for the rest of my life.”
Seascape and ocean photographer Gergo Rugli lives in Sydney and has been taking photos for 15 years.
Gergo was only a small child learning how to speak when his grandfather used to read stories about the oceans, dolphins and sharks, in the landlocked country of Hungary where he grew up.
“In 2014, I visited Australia for the first time; my heart was filled with joy like never before. On my last day there, I went for a swim at the famous Bondi Beach. It was magical.
The waves were gently rolling in whilst I was floating on my back with my eyes closed, letting the current drift me around.
“Being in the ocean, I felt peace like I never had before… it was that moment when everything became crystal clear and I felt like I found what I was looking for so long.”
“I love exploring the ever-changing coastline. It always provides something new that I have never seen before. The sandbank moves around with the currents and the force of the ocean which reveals ‘hidden treasures’ in the form of beautiful rocks and rock pools. This year, I have spent most of my time around Port Stephens and the Jervis Bay area.”
“Now I have the privilege to spend most of my time by the ocean and contemplate its beauty day by day. I am continuously searching for those magical moments like the ones that shaped my life forever in my grandfather’s stories. I endeavour to capture the beauty and wonders of our world for the rest of my life.”
“I’m very excited to be working with Dolphin Swim Australia in Port Stephens. DSA organises permitted wild dolphin swims in Port Stephens. We document and observe the natural behaviour of the Common Dolphin and Oceanic Bottlenose Dolphin. Working with this company allows me to spend more time with my beloved dolphins and explore the vast coastline of the Port Stephens Great Lakes Marine Park.”
“I want people see how beautiful and magical our fragile ecosystem is.”
Gergo hopes through his images he can show the most beautiful side of nature and create a deep connection to its viewers and thereby encouraging them to protect it.
Learn about more passionate artists, photographers and creators inspired by the Great Southern Reef.