kerry borgula
“Nature often provides the unexpected”
Kerry has been creative since her earliest memories, but in the last 10-15 years she has channeled that creativity through photography.
“Underwater photography was a wonderful place to start, with its magical, filtered light , a myriad of subjects and endless ocean colours and textures. I get a great deal of satisfaction from seeing all the underwater world in a different way, and capturing it creatively , which can be tricky with wildlife photography- as it’s quite reactive.”
“I’ve enjoyed getting to know the environment, and being able to predict some of the animals I might find there. Nature often provides the unexpected however ,and surprises me with new plants, animals or behaviours I might not have noticed before.”
Untamed coast
Kerry’s favourite part of the GSR is the open stretches of wild and untamed coast along the Bass Strait.
“I just love its flowing golden kelp , colourful sponge gardens and marine diversity…The landscape above water is pretty spectacular, from Wilson’s Prom to Phillip Island and all along the Shipwreck Coast.”
Mind blowing dives in South Australia
In 2022, one of the highlights of her year was a trip to see the cuttlefish mating in Whyalla.
“The cuttlefish aggregation was a bucket list event, which totally blew my mind - in terms of the quantity of animals observed, their courting behaviour and the ease of actually diving the site.”
Kerry was also able to dive with Leafy Seadragons in Rapid Bay and Second Valley on the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia.
“The Leafy seadragons were every bit as magical as I had anticipated- beautiful, mythical and quietly blending in to their environment. I had to train my eyes to find them!”
Connect and preserve
Kerry hopes to bring awareness and curiosity of the incredible beauty within our oceans.
“The diversity of life that the ocean supports, as well as the fragility and need to preserve the wildness for generations that come after us.”
“Going through the last two years of covid lockdowns has highlighted how much we all need the healing benefits that being in nature brings.
The open spaces and quiet places. Places that we truly feel a holistic connection within ourselves and the threads that tie us to the world around us
Learn about more passionate photographers and artists inspired by the Great Southern Reef.