rosie leaney
“I shoot because I just really enjoy it, and love being surrounded by nature.”
When Rosie Leaney moved to Sydney from the UK in 2009, she packed a little compact digital camera and underwater housing with her, thinking it might come in handy. As soon as she started using it, she realised that she could finally show her friends how beautiful the underwater world was, she was hooked.
“Fast-forward 12 years, and I'm still shooting for that exact same reason, but the photos have improved! It's now become part of my livelihood. I love that images have the power to change somebody's perception, or bring awareness to an issue. And I also shoot because I just really enjoy it, and love being surrounded by nature.”
GSR Favourites
Rosie loves exploring under the jetties in South Australia, the dolphins of Kangaroo Island, and more recently has fallen in love with Esperance, WA.
“It's so wild there. We watched Southern Right Whales nurse their calves just off the beach, as well as diving with seadragons and sea lions!”
Rosie is also a huge fan of diving in Sydney and has worked as a Divemaster there for over 10 years.
“It's special to me. The diversity of life there is incredible, from Grey Nurse sharks, to Weedy Seadragons, and stunningly colourful reefs.”
Positive connections
Rosie wants to draw awareness to the positive experiences that can be had underwater, with our totally unique Australian wildlife.
“If somebody gets inspired to get outside and visit our coasts, try a snorkel or a dive, that's one more human that has a connection to the ocean. They are then more likely to care, maybe even support a local cause, join an ocean clean-up etc. I've seen it happen many times over the years.”
Remote and rarely seen
In 2022, one of the most memorable diving trips for Rosie and her husband was joining their friends at Research And Discovery Tours Kangaroo Island (RAD KI) on their customised citizen science vessel.
Their mission was to explore and photograph some of the rarely visited, remote dive/snorkel spots on the remote NW coast of KI.
Kelp garden colours
“We dived luxuriant kelp gardens, with large western blue groper patrolling their territory, various other wrasse species, leatherjackets, morwong, and some curious Australian sealions.”
“Stunning soft corals, fans and sponges covered the inside of a large cave, glowing with vivid colours in our torch beams. It was pretty special to see this pristine habitat, and support RAD KI’s citizen science work.”
Showcasing Australia’s wildlife
Rosie and her husband also held a photography exhibition in Sydney CBD this year – showcasing nature and wildlife of Australia. Much of it was from the Great Southern Reef.
“The best thing about this was that people of all ages walked in, asked qurestions and wanted to hear stories about our incredible Aussie wildlife.”
In the near future, Rosie is excited about continuing to explore the south west of Australia in their little boat, and learning more about the coastal ecosystem both above and below the water.
Learn about more passionate photographers and artists inspired by the Great Southern Reef.