Welcome to the GSR


Welcome to our growing collection of resources tailored to foster Ocean Literacy and nurture a deeper connection with Australia's unique kelp forest ecosystems.

If you are not already, join our Teachers of the Great Southern Reef Facebook group to interact with our community.

Need help finding something specific? Get in touch with us at info@greatsouthernreef.com

what’s NEW?

The Restoration on the Great Southern Reef schools kit centres around restoration efforts for Tasmania’s giant kelp forests. This interactive student-led package also explores other restoration efforts across the Great Southern Reef including seagrass, oyster reefs, golden kelp and more.

Years 7 - 8

quick download links

  • stock imagery and footage

    Download a collection of high res underwater and aerial photos and videos free to use for educational purposes.

  • Totem Cards

    Download a deck of Pokemon inspired GSR marine life themed cards for use in food webs and classification activities.

  • Student Booklet

    Download and print out this student booklet, ready to go!

The Great Southern Reef Foundation has partnered with Google Arts & Culture to create a visually stimulating page about seaweeds.

Check out this lesson plan designed to support students as they explore Google Arts & Culture stories related to the Great Southern Reef. This lesson is suitable for anyone but is recommended for students aged 10-14 years

kelp, the invisible forest

more resources

  • Porci’s Ocean Patrol

    Porci’s Ocean Patrol is a collection of short, beautifully animated videos that educates students about the Great Southern Reef. Porci’s Ocean Patrol is a Marine Discovery Centre project and can be accessed on YouTube and the Marine Discovery Centre website. Click here for student activities and resources.

    Years R - 4

  • mesophotic reefs

    Nes­tled in the twi­light zone of the ocean, mesophot­ic reefs present a mys­te­ri­ous and less explored area between the well-lit shal­low waters and the dark abysses. These unique ecosys­tems, found at depths of 30 to 150 metres, are trea­sure troves of bio­di­ver­si­ty, host­ing an array of life forms adapt­ed to low-light conditions. Leveraging the technology of Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS), in this new resource and video students will get an up-close look at the mesophotic zones' inhabitants through recently captured video footage.

    Year 6

  • sharks and rays

    The GSR is home to a rich diversity of shark and ray species. This lesson package gives science students a unique opportunity to view and analyse video footage of sharks and rays recently collected by scientists in State and Commonwealth Marine Parks using BRUVS (Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems) technology. 

    Year 7


OCEAN LITERACY in primary schools

This guide is for primary school teachers using children’s literature to teach marine science in schools. The booklet includes background information, useful links and activity guides to create an interactive and fun unit focussed on the GSR!


ocean literacy professional development

  • Enriching Ocean Literacy with First Nations Insights

    This article embarks on a journey to explore how teachers can enrich their ocean curricula.


    This video helps teachers understand the concept of Ocean Literacy with a local Great Southern Reef context.

  • Children’s Literature in Education

    For teachers exploring the Great Southern Reef through picture books, the article this article offers insightful perspectives on using literature to cultivate environmental stewardship and ocean literacy among young learners.