terence tong
“You miss all the shots you don't take.”
Terence Tong only began freediving and taking videos and images about 4 years ago, but much of his content has gone viral, and he claims its the encounters with the creatures along the Great Southern Reef that capture the attention of his audience. A friend convinced him to go snorkelling at Shelley Beach in Manly, NSW and it instantly captured his attention.
“The best encounters can happen at any time. It could be raining, it could be poor visibility or it could even be swelly, but you never know till you get in! “
“Get in whenever you can, because the ocean always delivers!”
Terence's work features fabulous creatures from both temperate and tropical regions, but his footage of the Great Southern Reef captures the most attention. From encounters with Port Jackson sharks and blue gropers to the beloved Giant Australian Cuttlefish, his content is a hit.
A love for cuttles
Terence’s favourite creature found along the GSR are the Giant Australian Cuttlefish.
“There is just something special about them! I've had amazing interactions with them and they are so smart. It might be the crazy colour and texture display that really draws me in.”
“It almost feels like you are swimming with a friend.”
Terence has spent a long time following the cuttlefish while they are hunting and can confidently say that they often miss their prey. These missed opportunities have allowed Terence to study their behaviours and be even better prepared for his next cuttle-encounter.
“When cuttlefish are in hunting mood, they usually put on a yellowish tone and textured skin display to mimic their surroundings.”
“Once people start watching, they'll keep watching.”
As a passionate reef preservationist, Terence knows that incredible animal encounters capture people's attention and make them want to learn more. In today's social media world.
“I think people love watching cuttlefish videos because it genuinely wows them. The visual displays and interactions are amazing, and most people have never seen anything like it. They are probably the closest thing to aliens! What is even more attractive is that you can view them at some of NSW's most popular beaches, such as Manly.”
Cabbage Tree Bay, Manly
Terence’s favourite spot on the Great Southern Reef is Cabbage Tree Bay in Manly, NSW because of its accessibility for both divers and snorkellers and the diversity of flora and fauna at the site.
“Being an aquatic reserve (no take zone), CTB has seen plenty of fish, grey nurse sharks, turtles, rays and of course the giant cuttlefish. It has many different habitats including seagrass, kelp and rocky reefs giving many of the animals a place to call home. It really is a special place for me, it is where I started my freediving journey and will continue to dive there hopefully for my whole life!”
“We need to protect it as best we can through education and advocacy.”
Terence is one of the many passionate and talented creators with a connection to the GSR. Terence’s vision for the future of the reef is simple:
“The Great Southern Reef is a global biodiversity hotspot with some of the most unique species that cannot be found anywhere else. We need to do our best to make sure future generations can enjoy what we enjoy today. Every little bit helps, so the more people understand and learn more about the amazing marine creatures and habitats from my imagery, the more they want to protect it I hope.”
“Education leads to action to conserve and restore our oceans.”
Looking ahead, Terence would like to focus on education and raising awareness for the natural environment. He hopes that the more people that are impressed by his posts, the more likely they are to want to learn more.
When Terence is not in the water, he is most likely travelling or working. Terence shoots with a Sony A7 IV with a 16-35mm lens, and also uses the GoPro 12. Check out his content on his Instagram account @terencetong_!
Learn about more passionate photographers and artists inspired by the Great Southern Reef.